



Array ( [sql] => SELECT DISTINCT `t`.*, `d`.* FROM `wpopn_posts` AS `t` LEFT JOIN `wpopn_podsrel` AS `rel_pays` ON `rel_pays`.`field_id` = 69 AND `rel_pays`.`item_id` = `t`.`ID` LEFT JOIN `wpopn_posts` AS `pays` ON `pays`.`ID` = `rel_pays`.`related_item_id` LEFT JOIN `wpopn_pods_circuit` AS `d` ON `d`.`id` = `t`.`ID` WHERE ( ( (`pays`.`id`=@{`this`.`id`}) AND (type_de_circuit='circuit' OR type_de_circuit='combine') AND (actif=TRUE) ) AND ( `t`.`post_type` = "circuit" ) AND ( `t`.`post_status` IN ( "publish" ) ) ) ORDER BY `d`.`duree` DESC, `t`.`menu_order`, `t`.`post_title`, `t`.`post_date` LIMIT 0, 500 [error] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '{`this`.`id`}) AND (type_de_circuit='circuit' OR type_de_circuit='combine') AND ' at line 15 )


Array ( [sql] => SELECT DISTINCT `t`.*, `d`.* FROM `wpopn_posts` AS `t` LEFT JOIN `wpopn_podsrel` AS `rel_pays` ON `rel_pays`.`field_id` = 69 AND `rel_pays`.`item_id` = `t`.`ID` LEFT JOIN `wpopn_posts` AS `pays` ON `pays`.`ID` = `rel_pays`.`related_item_id` LEFT JOIN `wpopn_pods_circuit` AS `d` ON `d`.`id` = `t`.`ID` WHERE ( ( `pays`.`id`=@{id} AND type_de_circuit='extension' AND actif=TRUE ) AND ( `t`.`post_type` = "circuit" ) AND ( `t`.`post_status` IN ( "publish" ) ) ) ORDER BY `d`.`duree` DESC, `t`.`menu_order`, `t`.`post_title`, `t`.`post_date` LIMIT 0, 500 [error] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '{id} AND type_de_circuit='extension' AND actif=TRUE ) AND ( `t`.`post_type` = "c' at line 15 )

Et aussi, circuits combinés

Array ( [sql] => SELECT DISTINCT `t`.*, `d`.* FROM `wpopn_posts` AS `t` LEFT JOIN `wpopn_podsrel` AS `rel_pays_visite` ON `rel_pays_visite`.`field_id` = 1221 AND `rel_pays_visite`.`item_id` = `t`.`ID` LEFT JOIN `wpopn_posts` AS `pays_visite` ON `pays_visite`.`ID` = `rel_pays_visite`.`related_item_id` LEFT JOIN `wpopn_pods_circuit` AS `d` ON `d`.`id` = `t`.`ID` WHERE ( ( `pays_visite`.`id`=@{id} AND type_de_circuit='combine' AND actif=TRUE ) AND ( `t`.`post_type` = "circuit" ) AND ( `t`.`post_status` IN ( "publish" ) ) ) ORDER BY `d`.`duree` DESC, `t`.`menu_order`, `t`.`post_title`, `t`.`post_date` LIMIT 0, 500 [error] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '{id} AND type_de_circuit='combine' AND actif=TRUE ) AND ( `t`.`post_type` = "cir' at line 15 )

Préparer son voyage



Nos engagements

  • Le conseil personnalisé d’un spécialiste de l’Amérique du Sud pour préparer votre voyage
  • L’accompagnement d’un guide local francophone qui vous accueille à l’aéroport et restera à vos côtés jusqu’à la fin du voyage
  • Des groupes de six personnes maximum, une logistique rodée et un rythme propice à la rencontre
  • Des partenariats forts et pérennes basés sur les initiatives locales dans le cadre d’un commerce équitable
  • Le conseil personnalisé d’un voyagiste engagé qui connaît les lieux et leurs acteurs
  • Petits comités de six personnes maximum et un rythme propices à la rencontre et l’échange
  • Des partenariats forts et pérennes basés sur les initiatives locales dans le cadre d’un commerce équitable
  • Des séjours centrés sur un territoire qui limitent les déplacements et privilégient les circuits courts pour la sauvegarde de notre belle planète


Prochain départ

Array ( [sql] => SELECT DISTINCT `t`.*, `d`.* FROM `wpopn_posts` AS `t` LEFT JOIN `wpopn_podsrel` AS `rel_circuit` ON `rel_circuit`.`field_id` = 74 AND `rel_circuit`.`item_id` = `t`.`ID` LEFT JOIN `wpopn_posts` AS `circuit` ON `circuit`.`ID` = `rel_circuit`.`related_item_id` LEFT JOIN `wpopn_podsrel` AS `rel_circuit_pays` ON `rel_circuit_pays`.`field_id` = 69 AND `rel_circuit_pays`.`item_id` = `circuit`.`ID` LEFT JOIN `wpopn_posts` AS `circuit_pays` ON `circuit_pays`.`ID` = `rel_circuit_pays`.`related_item_id` LEFT JOIN `wpopn_pods_depart` AS `d` ON `d`.`id` = `t`.`ID` WHERE ( ( date_du_voyage>NOW() AND `circuit_pays`.`id`=@{id} ) AND ( `t`.`post_type` = "depart" ) AND ( `t`.`post_status` IN ( "publish" ) ) ) ORDER BY `d`.`date_du_voyage` ASC, `t`.`menu_order`, `t`.`post_title`, `t`.`post_date` LIMIT 0, 1 [error] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '{id} ) AND ( `t`.`post_type` = "depart" ) AND ( `t`.`post_status` IN ( "publish"' at line 23 )

Pour un voyage sur mesure

Picto-SurMesure-01 Nous contacter contact-mail
ou demander
à être rappelés
En savoir plus  

Paroles et photos de voyageurs

Diaporama des voyageurs - Amérique du Sud, des Caraïbes à la Patagonie

Array ( [sql] => SELECT DISTINCT `t`.*, `d`.* FROM `wpopn_posts` AS `t` LEFT JOIN `wpopn_podsrel` AS `rel_circuit` ON `rel_circuit`.`field_id` = 74 AND `rel_circuit`.`item_id` = `t`.`ID` LEFT JOIN `wpopn_posts` AS `circuit` ON `circuit`.`ID` = `rel_circuit`.`related_item_id` LEFT JOIN `wpopn_podsrel` AS `rel_circuit_pays` ON `rel_circuit_pays`.`field_id` = 69 AND `rel_circuit_pays`.`item_id` = `circuit`.`ID` LEFT JOIN `wpopn_posts` AS `circuit_pays` ON `circuit_pays`.`ID` = `rel_circuit_pays`.`related_item_id` LEFT JOIN `wpopn_pods_depart` AS `d` ON `d`.`id` = `t`.`ID` WHERE ( ( date_du_voyage>NOW() AND `circuit_pays`.`id`=@{id} ) AND ( `t`.`post_type` = "depart" ) AND ( `t`.`post_status` IN ( "publish" ) ) ) ORDER BY `d`.`date_du_voyage` ASC, `t`.`menu_order`, `t`.`post_title`, `t`.`post_date` LIMIT 0, 1 [error] => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '{id} ) AND ( `t`.`post_type` = "depart" ) AND ( `t`.`post_status` IN ( "publish"' at line 23 )

@{this.post_title} : DERNIERS ARTICLES DU BLOG

Voir tous les articles pour la destination : @{this.post_title}.

Déjà un avant goût du voyage !